I am a mole

and I live in a hole, or a golf course or your garden lawn. We are receiving a lot of call for mole problems this month. Mole catching really is a dying art. Catching the mole is not as easy as it looks, you cannot just buy a mole trap and stick it next to the mole hill then expect a mole to be caught in the morning. Mole catching usually takes 3 visits, 1. to set up 2. to check and reset traps 3. lift traps and make good the area.

The worst thing anyone can do is put traps in the wrong place, the mole then fills the trap in with soil springing the trap, the mole then becomes trap shy which makes the mole almost uncatchable.

Mole catching takes knowledge and understanding of how the mole operates which is learnt over time. It takes time, patience and precision to carry out mole control therefore the cost per visits vary.


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